One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » How to make swords balanced » 2019-05-18 00:16:46

What about portable medical supplies? I think that would help a lot with countering griefing, and just be helpful in general. It should be easier to heal people. Maybe weapons wouldn't seem so bad if getting hit with one wasn't almost always a death sentence.

#2 Re: Main Forum » If fences are not viable, what does that mean? » 2019-05-17 23:59:50

Can you make fences exitable from inside to outside? Like somehow get the game to recognize the inside part of a fence and allow players to jump over it to get out, but not to get in? I don't know if that's even possible, but it would prevent people from getting trapped inside fences.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Reasons why some amount of griefing is inevitable and important » 2019-05-15 01:47:38

Is it important to have PvP to fight back against griefers? Yes. Is it interesting to fight back against griefers every once in a while? Again, yes. The problem is that griefers are so prevalent that many lives become a tiresome and hopeless experience.

I think griefing stands in the way of what you're hoping to accomplish with the game. Making us care about our families? Why bother if my son is going to grab a bow and arrow and kill me as soon as he gets the chance?

Making people care about their lives? Why bother if someone could randomly ruin it all at anytime with no repercussions. Why waste my energy caring about my life if others can take it all away in a second with no warning?

It all just boils down to griefing ruining player experience, and in turn, making us less invested in the game. It's not in-game roleplay murder or sabotage, it's just someone wrecking others' enjoyment of the game for fun. And being at the receiving end of that always sucks. Of course there will always be a small amount of griefing, even with anti-griefing measures. But the very presence of griefing, players who don't care about their families other than the entertainment value they get from killing them, contradicts your vision for OHOL.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Ways to make EVERY life precious » 2019-05-14 22:37:40

Dude. No. No no no no. Are you looking for ways to make people quit? Because this is how you make people quit.

There's not going to be that feeling of 'I have one chance' in this game, because, well, it's a game. The best we can hope for is that players go into every life with an open mind and are rewarded for making the best of whatever situation they're born into.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Lychee's Mega Suggestion Thread (On Trade, Technology, and More) » 2019-05-09 02:33:07

These are some great ideas, lychee. I'd be thrilled if they made it into the game.

#6 Re: Main Forum » When the last lady's hair goes grey » 2019-05-08 22:19:37

Whenever I end up in a dead town, I ask people if they'd like to fight to the death if they're not going to stay. They usually say yes. Sometimes we end up making more knives so everyone can participate.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Banana Pie » 2019-05-05 21:12:20

What about banana bread? Same recipe as bread, except for adding a mashed or peeled banana before it becomes leavened dough.

#8 Re: Main Forum » most griefing breaks the immersion of the game » 2019-04-27 17:13:38

Great post. If we want to have large cities with trading, we can't have griefing at the same level as it is now. Civilization isn't going to be possible with so many people actively sabotaging it.

#9 Re: Main Forum » What is the government, army, force that makes fences work? » 2019-04-26 00:01:51

The fences aren't really fences, they just look that way. They're actually unstable yet invincible force fields that draw upon the life force of their builder.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Another off-the-wall idea » 2019-04-24 02:44:27

I love the idea of huge biomes. I don't love the idea of restricting movement between them. That's a pointless restriction and takes away a lot of gameplay possibilities, like breaking off from your colony to form settlements or trade routes, or a great migration to a new land. If only men could leave their biomes, many players would die to be born as men. And if there were large biomes there would be no need to restrict only men from crossing the borders anyway, because the biome would be so large that it wouldn't be feasible for most fertile women to raise children and travel the vast distance needed to leave their biome.

I don't think there NEEDS to be a viable farming path in every biome. There needs to be a viable FOOD and TECHNOLOGY path- that doesn't necessarily have to heavily involve farming (Sorry to sound like I'm yelling in caps, I don't know how to italicize here). Like the snow biome for example, could instead be reliant on fish and shrimp, maybe having nets that would be renewable in a similar way to plant farming. In the mountains, the early game could be more reliant on hunting.

Eve spawns could be restricted to one per biome at a time. That way there would always be multiple families to trade with... or maybe even start a war with.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for resource contention » 2019-04-23 12:30:47

emilyjb2 wrote:

I reiterate what others have said: there’s little reason to trade when the map is so homogenous, and each town is a self-contained ecosystem. In order to facilitate trade (and culture). Regions of the map need to specialize. And, we need to be able to live with different starting resources. As someone else said, we need desert towns and snow towns and jungle towns. Right now, you NEED grassland/swamp to survive. As such, every town looks and functions so similarly that they’re almost forgettable.

My suggestion is to greatly expand the existing biomes and fill them differently. Biomes need to be larger. And towns should be able to flourish within these biomes without needing too many resources from neighboring biomes for basic-level survival.

Maybe iron and other metals stay in the mountains. But there should be an expansion of wood and stone tools. Maybe they break easier (there’s still a reason to get iron), but it stops being ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

Clothing and food should differ between biomes. In the snow, you can’t farm, but you hunt seals and fish. You clothes yourself with yak furs and build igloos. In the tropics, you farm yams and bananas and sugarcane. You tame elephants for riding. You build homes with palm fronds and make mosquito nets for protection.

We need replacements for clay and sheep and berries in ALL biomes. Nothing needs to function the same, but we need to be able to live (even if it’s difficult... grassland would probably always be easier than desert for instance) in all biomes. And biomes need to be made bigger (like 2000k tiles).

Yes! This is exactly what I'm imagining. It would be a huge undertaking but it would be so incredible. I imagine the snow biomes having fishing towns around patches of ice holes. Many villages would specialize around sheep or mining in the mountains. Maybe grassland biomes would have groundhog holes instead of rabbit holes, or have squirrels spawn by trees for fur.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for resource contention » 2019-04-23 04:12:37

What if the biomes were larger, as in hundreds or thousands of tiles larger than they are now. Different types of cities could form in different biomes. The biomes themselves would obviously need to be tweaked for this to work. You can't have a society with no clay because there's no swamp, there HAS to be a way to get rid of mosquitos in the rainforest, more ways to lower temp in desert and raise it in snow biome etc, some type of rabbit equivalent animal in other biomes for clothing etc. Societies would have to trade resources and different cities would have a different feel. Like a farming town might trade with a mining village for iron.

#13 Re: Main Forum » HOW I STOPPED TWISTED FROM STREAMING! » 2019-04-22 23:42:17

Uh, hi. So I didn't think this would be the topic of my first comment ever. But I don't understand why boasting about griefing is allowed on this forum. This is OHOL's main forum, the one where many people will be looking to find information before purchasing this game, and there are people here actively posting about ruining others' enjoyment for fun. We want to increase the playerbase, right? This forum doesn't give a good impression honestly. This Toxic guy claims to have accrued 1000 curses or something? And always makes this type of obnoxious post about griefing other players. Why the hell is this guy not banned. This person, and griefing in general, will drive people from OHOL. It's not fun to see all your hard work come to naught, just because a random guy thought it would be fun to rile the village up by stealing items and hiding them in the wilderness.

Jason, if you're reading this, I implore you to not get rid of cursing. It is absolutely needed or players will run around randomly killing people, luring bears, and scattering vital items because they can do these things without consequence. People do this stuff all the time right now. It will get ten times worse if cursing is removed. They don't care if they're killed. All they have to do is get reborn and they can just do it all over again. This game is a long way off from having laws and police forces, and even then there will still be players who play the game mainly to grief other players. I do agree with a lot of the other posters here that the lifetime curse score isn't an optimal system, but make it decay by one after something like 10 or 20 hours of gametime so players can't make griefing their way of life. But please. I beg of you. Don't remove cursing.

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