One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » What is the roughest start you have survived? » 2019-02-24 18:32:10

I had a few situations when my mother died before I was able to feed myself and somehow made it. But, the best one I think was when i was born as a man to an Eve.
She had a few kids, including girls, but everyone but me, Eve and one of my sisters died. And then, my sister went 'braindead' (disconnected). She was in a good spot (warm) which at first made me think she's just looking at wiki or something. Then my mother came from rabbit farm and was old. She only saw me went /sad and said 'no more babies we are doomed' and then ran off to get more rabbits. She never came back. I ran to my sister and fed her a banana. Then kept on coming back and feeding her a banana every 30-60 seconds. Then, as I was forging, I heard a cry. A baby cry! I ran towards it, and there was a baby running around my braindead sister! I grabbed the babe, run to a berry farm and fed it. Then I told it that his ma is braindead and I will take care of him. My braindead sister had four more babies: three girls and two boys in total. Most were new and died from fever, two of the girls survived to have more babies. One died shortly after having her first (so I berry fed it just as I did her). The second one was an experienced player and lived long enough to give me plenty of grand nephews and nieces. I died surrounded by family. We survived 11 generations!

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