One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Idea - Spirit Marker to find your way back in another life » 2018-03-12 02:58:15


So, if anyone likes this idea please make sure you follow that reddit link and upvote it. Thanks

#2 Re: Main Forum » Idea - Spirit Marker to find your way back in another life » 2018-03-12 02:47:10

Portager wrote:

I wonder if you were my kid, I played a game last night where I had two boys who survived and helped to build a nice camp. Unfortunately I got too old and never produced a viable girl.

At one point someone wheeled over a cart to us, but then they too died. Does this sound like the same situation you were in? smile

Maybe? I don't remember the cart guy... it all ended up very noble, me and the other guy died naked with all the clothes neatly arranged in the camp and waiting so that our corpses would be in a nice neat line down in the graveyard.

Portager wrote:

Btw... i like the idea of a spirit stick, especially if you are the last of your line.

Yeah, actually that is a good, point. You should probably have to be over 50 to make a spirit marker. A wise elder.

#3 Main Forum » Idea - Spirit Marker to find your way back in another life » 2018-03-12 02:09:09

Replies: 5

I was in a game last night. Ended up just two men in a village working hard. I was mostly getting the farm well set up and the other guy was working on other crafts. Near the end I tired to go find some wandering women but failed. So we both died and left a very well established little village with about four full sets of clothing and packs waiting on the ground.

Got me thinking, I would love to have been able to leave a marker for my next life. Two rabbit skeletons and a skewer could make a nice little spirit marker. Then when you are next born you could have a second "home" arrow so you could find your way back.

Obviously there are a few issues, like you might spawn too far away etc... But it seemed like a nice mechanic.

Alternately the marker could work a message to the "gods" that we need more women and an Eve could have some chance of spawning directly at the marker.

What do you think?

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