One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Griefer signs detected against plausible deniability » 2018-12-12 23:22:52

I'm giving this game a time because of griffers.

They have made the game experience very unpleasant.
In my opinion the goal of the game is try to "save the town" or make the generation-run long as possible.
This give you a sense of do something useful to help.

And is waaaay easier to do griffer things.
Simple things can be done in seconds and cause a lot of damage, and take so many time to repair.

Griffers right now don't seems to care about any penalty. They are almost inexistent.
Trolls right now seems to be very pleased to what they are doing. Griffing become a form of gameplay.

This post kinda help, but is like drying ice.
The gameplay is not "spot the mafia".
This is not Town of Salem.

The number of trolls and racist right now are epidemic. They are in almost every 'rando runs'.
We now have to play, hidding knifes, and trust-no-one.

Here a bunch of ideas:
- harder penalties (like 20x harder)
- you can curse someone after die (on family tree site)
- bless system (oposite of curse) for 'veteran-players' become a "moderator like". And kick/ban/mute people.
- Perma ban racism.
- Curse work as a child (can type after /curse) (fix)
- Cursed players should be exposed (everyone know he's a cursed player) (rollback the black chat feature)
- Cursed player is banned from doing
  - pick up knife and bow
  - pick up shears
  - pick up carts, BP and baskets
  - pick up axe
  - pick up mining pick
  - pick up any expensive item (not even a black-list, just a small white-list)
- Cursed players cannot lure Bear.
- Cursed players should have move speed lowered by half or even lower
- Double the time as baby form. (helpless until 6 years)
- cursed players should have half of food bar.
- cursed players should be muted.

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