One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » How to curse with chat restrictions? » 2018-08-28 13:06:51

The solution is to reduce the crippling of the chat, so youre not restricted from proper, useful communication half of your goons life. Not to mention that making notes are gated so well that most of the witnesses are probably dead once you made one. Or youre dead before you got the witnesses to get to it. Sorry, but its a pretty useless "workaround" in too many cases.
Chat should be fixed.

#2 Main Forum » How to curse with chat restrictions? » 2018-08-28 12:49:59

Replies: 7

Now I witnessed 2 cases where players where about to be cursed for their problematic behaviour... but half the witnesses couldnt, because we/they where too young to type the full command to curse....?!?

Not that the game design massively restricts players from being actual witnesses (tiny, tiny view distance) but even when you are lucky to have 9 witnesses they cant curse because Jason thinks its an awesome idea to keep ingame communication massively crippled. *slow claps*
Jason, please fix this.

#3 Re: Bug Discussion » I die often to connection lost » 2018-08-28 00:14:39

Just died from connection loss from the server.
My connection was stable and is cabled.
tracert gave me 136ms from Germany with 30/10mbit to the first server.
Logs showed no artifacts.

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