One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Pet Peeves? » 2018-09-21 09:59:21

The one thing that annoys me to no end is wheat

Firstly, those who thrash it far away from the oven. I always, if available, use a cart, bring the wheat to the pie area and thrash it nearby.

Secondly, those who thrash the wheat and then leave the wheat part lying on the ground (separated from the thrashed). I always end up having to stop what I'm doing to quickly make it into compost before it despawns.


* The Stew Farm
- Planting corn on the bottom soils
- BEANS EVERYWHERE! (and corns)

* Giving Bags and clothing to BB's just born, should go to those who are older and working

* Watering Carrots and leaving them

* Making Berry Farms huge with no paths in between

* Finding an awesome spot as an Eve and having all your BB's run away or be all boys

* Fitting only 3 Berries in a Basket!

I'm sure there's heaps more that I've forgotten lol

#2 Re: Main Forum » What's the funniest thing you've named your baby? » 2018-09-21 09:25:26

If I spawn as an Eve with a child, I like to say:

I am Egg
You are Yolk


#3 Re: Main Forum » Please, don't make Pit Bulls 'aggressive' Jason » 2018-09-15 06:52:45

Definitely agree, all breeds should be able to become aggressive in the game, not just Pitbulls. The funny thing is, Pitbulls, German Shepards and Rottweilers are very smart breeds and are trained to be guard dogs as a result. With or without this training they are actually very loyal and loving. My Rottweiller is so gentle, he wouldn't even hurt a fly. It angers me to hear all this stereotyping because of what people have "heard".

#5 Main Forum » Feeding Sheep for Poop » 2018-09-01 06:40:57

Replies: 4

In one of my previous lives, someone stopped me and told me that I you have to feed the sheep only when it's hungry, otherwise it's a waste. Is this true? I've always fed them before they're hungry and still gotten poop?

#6 Re: Main Forum » Carrot Situation » 2018-08-28 16:43:35

That's true, I should team up, but everyone seemed pretty busy. I was just going crazy running everywhere lol

A women came from another town, she said she traveled 3k. I told her to look after her BB's, so hopefully the towns growing and getting better tongue

#7 Re: Main Forum » Carrot Situation » 2018-08-28 16:27:55

Yeah, you'd think so! That town has become a mess.

There were also beans everywhere on the floor. I spent my life making stews so that I could use all the beans lying around.

I wish I had longer than an hour so I could clean it up more! lol

#8 Re: Main Forum » The Cacy Family (The Mary’s of Maryland) » 2018-08-28 16:15:13

I was Eve Cacy, I actually had put the name "Cactus" as there were a lot of cactus' around. I named my daughter "Sharp" which became Sharon. Would love to spawn back into there and see the town! So awesome to hear how it progressed smile

#9 Main Forum » Carrot Situation » 2018-08-28 15:57:19

Replies: 5

So, just finished in the Rainbow town and someone has put a billion seeds everywhere (I'm assuming no one picked them in time). As you could imagine, this took up a lot of tiles, so I thought I might as well plant the seeds (and not water them) to clean up the mess. Since there were carrots around, I thought surely no one would come and water about 40 carrots worth of them.. but guess who was wrong. Someone watered them all and left them.. WHY?

There were about 5 people left and no one was doing the compost, sheep or pies.  Empty tiles were minimum 6 tiles away

Sorry for the rant, but surely there should be a way to easily communicate this to people.  Maybe a sign that says "only water if none are around and you watch and pick them" or clothing that people wear if they are the carrot farmer.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Jan Laughter, Pies for days » 2018-08-25 13:02:23

True, I just had a look and saw that all my babies died except one. She had one baby who also died, so the lineage stopped.. damn that sucks lol

Nope, I didn't spawn back in there. Was a moneymaker prior to being lucy though smile

#11 Re: Main Forum » Jan Laughter, Pies for days » 2018-08-25 10:53:10

Jan! I was Lucy! I went looking for you to say goodbye, but I couldn't find you. sad

I wanted to help out more, but I had six babies - five girls and one boy. Was also trying to get the meat out of the pen as it was getting too full!

That area was definitely too squishy, if I go back I'd make some ovens higher up!

Thanks for being an awesome baking buddy! big_smile

#12 Main Forum » Fight to death by choice » 2018-08-25 07:16:04

Replies: 0

So thought I'd share a memorable life I had

This guy and myself were working on the carrot/wheat/compost farms our whole life.

We got to a point where we both realized that we hadn't seen any girls in a while.

So since we both had knives and had never killed anyone before, we decided that we should give it a go and kill a guy together.

We fed ourselves, and decided to follow a road. We followed it and ended up at another town which had a bunch of girls. We told them about the other town and that there were no girls.

We were a little bummed that we didn't get to kill anyone, so as we were quite old, he suggested we fight to death. We took off all our clothes and were running around butt naked trying to stab each other

I accidentally dropped my knife and got stabbed. He asked someone to kill him, but no one did. I died before I got to press enter but, I wrote "At least I'm still a knife virgin" :')

I was laughing the whole time, it's nice to see some awesome people on the game.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Need People to Twin with! » 2018-08-25 06:48:41

I'd be happy to twin with you if interested. I'm usually on at night time (Australia time) smile

#14 Re: Main Forum » Annoyed players » 2018-08-18 09:25:03

So glad you made this, been wanting to vent out my frustration lol

Back when I first started this game, I would watch how other players did things to learn (eg: I saw someone mash a rabbit and carrot for the pies). Seeing as this was an option on the wiki pages, I didn't think I was doing anything bad

So in my next life, I decided to stay in the pie area and make some pies, someone brought over a bunch of carrots, so I thought I might as well make the carrot and rabbit pies. Next thing I know, this women comes over and says 'STOP', 'YOU'RE WASTING THE CARROTS'. In response I said, 'oh sorry, I didn't know, I'm new.' She then proceeds to call me a 'F**ING I****' and that if I didn't know, I should ask. I responded by saying 'Why would I ask, if I didn't know I was doing anything wrong?'. She then proceeds with the name calling and curses me.

Having played a lot more, I now know what she was getting at, but to be so rude and curse me as a new player? Hmm.

Also annoying as someone next to me, was telling her to stop and to ignore her, but didn't curse her.

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