One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Meaning to all the game time invested. » 2018-08-17 15:48:39

jasonrohrer wrote:

Item tracking is pretty hairy to implement.... that will be a lot of data to gather about all these items that are created and passed down.

yes it is a lot of data, but not that much in todays terms.
Collecting all this metadata and storing it many benefits down the line imo.
You can even start by storing it as files on the server/cloud, and later run some map/reduce or spark job to analyze it all, have an offline process for data analysis maybe..
don't have to even think of a database right now..

it can be used for:

- Ofc my original idea: item-player history.
- Different stats for all the players to see, like what is the most used item, Or who is the best farmer in the last 24H...
- This data can be used to find different problems in current game mechanics: for some reason there are way too many knifes smile, or it takes 20 generations to use one tool, but 2 generations for other..
- Analyze and see the affect of different updates and tweeks done to the game.
- I'm sure there are more good use cases, we will only find out if we get the data to play with

#2 Main Forum » Meaning to all the game time invested. » 2018-08-17 11:34:00

Replies: 9


I been playing for a few day, and I like and i enjoy this game a lot.
I also like the concept where you have very limited time to live, and when this time is up, you are gone. All you can do is add your little contribution for future generations.

The only thing that is missing for me is, knowing how my contribution impacted others.
After you die, you'll probably never see or benefit from from what you did again.
And that’s a bit discouraging for me.
With no progress system, its basically up to an hour long mini game.

The family tree page offers a little insight but its not enough.
I would like to know (since we can’t keep progress) as much detailed as possible on what impact I have made on others and the civilization.
It will motivate me to play more and try to make my contribution as big and meaningful as possible.

My idea (very general, we can work it out together):

Have a page where I see detailed history of all the items made by me:
- who used it.
- for how many generation
- maybe its part of some other item now
- other interesting metadata...

It will allow me to size my impact on future generation.
We could even have a score board with people that were most influential based on some algotithem that scores this impact.

What do you think?

sorry for my bad English

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