One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#2 Re: Main Forum » Please stop putting stuff on the only fire » 2018-07-13 21:11:01

FeignedSanity wrote:

I think that trying to start a separate fire for coals, just to have some jackass put firewood on it, is equally frustrating. It's like, "My guy, there's a large fire right over there. Why the fuck did you think we needed another?"


#3 Main Forum » Please stop putting stuff on the only fire » 2018-07-13 18:34:06

Replies: 12

I honestly don't think I have been more frustrated with anything in this game than when people don't check if it's the only fire before putting a flat stone on top of it. Please, just check. It's not difficult to start a separate fire for a flat stone or water, but it is frustrating to stop what you're doing to go and start a fire for the sixth time because people just keep putting stuff on the only one.

#4 Re: Fixed Bugs » Stuck in Infinite Update Loop » 2018-07-09 19:53:55

Turnipseed wrote:
allyourkins wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

Platform, allyourkins?

Windows. Still doesn't work.

Re download the app and just be patient while its updating if you click it will crash. Just move your mouse every once and a while to keep it awake. It took 30 mins for mine to update.

Okay, fair play, 'patience' fixed it. Thanks!

#5 Re: Fixed Bugs » Stuck in Infinite Update Loop » 2018-07-09 19:39:30

jasonrohrer wrote:

Platform, allyourkins?

Windows. Still doesn't work.

#6 Re: Fixed Bugs » Stuck in Infinite Update Loop » 2018-07-07 16:05:02

Still just gets stuck on update for me sad Tried downloading the game again, still the same problem.

#7 Re: Main Forum » wtf happened to us corn family? » 2018-06-01 22:01:34

I was gen 6, my mum told me that all boys got sacrificed to the Corn God, so she knifed the boys in a stone walled house.

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