One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » 3rd Generation Carrot Farmer » 2018-03-02 05:27:01

Replies: 1

When I first opened my eyes my prospects did not look good. My mother was alone and surrounded by wilderness. However, she picked me up and headed North quickly arrived at a flourishing small community. It was an impressive group with well clothed and fed adults and several children. The children were placed near the bonfire while the adults made pies and processed the day's hunt and produce.

Soon enough I was able to walk and explore the town by myself. I arrived at the community farm and was impressed to see it producing carrots and gooseberries! I turned to the elder farmer asking how he managed to create such a farm, he replied "I do not know, I was born into this community just like you". It was then I decided to commit myself to becoming a farmer. The Elder or G for short showed me where the water bags and ponds were located. He taught us that the upper left most tilled soil was for carrot flowers only, to not drain the ponds, and to pick milkweed only when it's fruiting.

With his time coming to an end, he left for the city center and taught us all he knew. He looked about and with his last words said "You are smart kids, be well".

And so I took it upon myself putting on G's clothes and buried him at the town cemetery. I will ensure his legacy continues and that this town will continue to flourish.

I was the Third Generation Carrot Farmer, like G and his father before him.

I set about expanding the farm with additional rows of tilled soil and filled the baskets with the day's work. But the community dwindled with the more experienced adults passing away and the newer generation either leaving off on their own or dying due to inexperience.

Soon I realized that age has come upon me and fear rose in my mind when I realized that I had no heir to inherit this farm.

I searched the community until I came upon a young woman, I approached her and inquired if she would like to take up the mantle of being the community's farmer. She agreed and came with me to the farm. I stated that I am the third generation of this farm and that she will be the fourth and her child shall be the fifth. "Wow" she exclaimed.

Unfortunately I was not long for this world, I quickly showed her where to find water and that the upper left most tilled soil was for carrots only.

With my final breath I looked about me and said to the woman, find a heir and give my clothes to them. If I am reborn into this world, you will know me as "G".


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