One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » [Disc] Biomes that you suggest » 2018-05-03 11:10:59

- Deep Forest/Grove biome: Lots of trees, lots of mushrooms-food source to find and deer to hunt Temp: shady grove below avarage
- Highlands biome: a hybrid of grassland and mountain biome, no trees, many rocks, some ore, some milkweed and other plants, lots of sheep and a marmot typ of critter to snaretrap there Temp: cold windy

I like where this is going.

Edit: but these should be limited in thier size, not to dominate out the core biomes you need to survive. That's why hybrid biomes make the moste sense.

#2 Re: Main Forum » I love this game! THX » 2018-05-01 22:43:49

Next great moment:

I had 2 sons 1 daugther, told her she needed to keep the next girl, or it's over.
She get's a girl, we run out of food, she dies.
Me and my sons try hard to find some berries and to feed the baby.
Baby thinks it's alone and runs of to die.


#3 Re: Main Forum » Rabbit hole first spawning » 2018-05-01 20:53:49

There is no need for me to get the forge running, if i'm the rabbit hunter of my colonie.
But if i have to wait 10min for something that dosn't make sense, that hurts me doing my job.
Why shouldn't rabbits be in families the first time you encounter them?
Ducks start of in the full pond aswell and you can gather feathers from the beginning, that's because it makes sense.

And even if it would be a bit more easy then, i don't think that that is a game changer.

#4 Re: Main Forum » She really wanted my backpack... » 2018-05-01 19:49:53

These are the moments, that make the game so epic. big_smile

#5 Main Forum » I love this game! THX » 2018-05-01 19:47:08

Replies: 4

This is one of the best and challenging survival games i have ever played and i have played a lot..

What i really love about the game is, that it is hard, unforgiving, cruel, harsh and painfull.
You will die so many times trying to fit that carrot into your mouth in that very last second or get random eaten by wolfs and snakes.
And that is just perfect and makes it feel so real.

I really don't think this game is casual friendly at all, this is more for ppl that love the challenge and love to see what they can accomplish in that one hour life they have. So don't feel bad about negativ feedback, just because ppl got used to that lazy and easy lifestyle other games offer them.

Worth every penny, no game has got me hooked so fast and given me so many memorable moments.
Standing in the middle of a very well runing town, just to see we are the only 4 guys left.. priceless!

I'm really looking forward to what is to come in the future.
Keep up the great work and thank you very much for this experience.

#6 Main Forum » Rabbit hole first spawning » 2018-05-01 19:15:17

Replies: 6

It would be nice if the first time you find rabbit holes, they start as families and not single.
Since out in the wild, that would even make more sense, that they are not hunted down yet.
Right now i'm forced to trigger/walk all over the plains to get the rabbit holes to start making babies, forcing me then to wait 10min until i can start hunting without the fear of rotting out the population.
Inpatient hunters will ignore this and badly hurt your colonie.

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