One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The Tyrant Prince » 2018-05-11 01:17:03

OH wow, I was in that town and I got you the horse. I saw you kill another man for the pie. I guess you thought that was me. Interesting to view how it went down from your side. Someone took your crown after that I suppose because I thought you were still alive when I fled town.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Confessional » 2018-05-11 00:38:16

I was born to a decent size village. They had a sheep pen, all manners of farm, etc. Well, I witnessed a mother give her son a crown and told him to rule with kindness. The boy's brother came to him and demanded "I am older. I was first born. Give me crown." Oi. This sounds bad... As soon as the older boy could hold a knife, he grabbed it and stabbed his brother, adorned the crown, and declared "I am king!"

His first order of business was killing a woman on the farm. He declared that "it was [his] decision". Scared to death, I knew I needed out of here. A farmer later needed food because people had picked the seed row and so crops were going badly. He ate a piece of pie he found and the king told him "stealing is a crime" and killed him. Time was running out but I had made a lasso and caught a horse. I told the king it was a gift for him and I would saddle it up and prepare it for him. He said thank you and that I had done him a service.

While I was making my preparations, I later began to starve because of course, no one was working pie or farm (I normally would but this king scared me and I refused to live beneath such a monster). I ate pie and the king saw me. He grabbed his bow and I ran.

I was able to finish the saddle, and rode off into the sunset. I didn't make it anywhere before starving but at least I didn't die by his hand.

I'm sorry to my fellow villagers who suffered because I didn't help farm - that is, if our king didn't kill you first. May you all rest in peace.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Facebook Group? » 2018-05-08 21:19:24

I think I saw one for telling stories with about 100 people but just requested to join yours!

#4 Re: Main Forum » The Problem with "Carrot Seed Guards" » 2018-05-04 03:30:43

I think I witnessed your murder. Were you the dark haired woman killed by a male in the big-ish town with many wells near the carrot farm? As you died you were ranting because a carrot had already been picked? I was a baby. None of that is super telling I know and I don't have any input, just wanted to know if that was you.

#5 Re: Main Forum » She really wanted my backpack... » 2018-05-02 18:33:35

Dishehs wrote:

I know the feeling.  My grandmother told me I could take her stuff when she died. When she died some random unrelated naked guy and a bunch of little kids stripped her corpse clean like vultures.

What they didn't know was grandma had shown me where she stashed her knife.  The truth is we're all just looking out for our selves. Everyone wants full gear, weapons and backpacks full of pies.

Nobody truly cares for anyone else, it's all about aquiring more personal wealth. Why do you think everyone stands around next to dying old people.

Wow, you're right! I've seen this happen so much, maybe you are right. But OUCH, it's a truth I want to keep denying. Too dark, too dark.

karltown wrote:

I know, right? I was a guy in a large village. I started dying my shirt and hat and booties, I told people the dye ready clothes were mine when they tried to take them. Left to get tinder, came back and caught a curly blond trying to put the shirt on her baby.
Then after I died in the same village no one said they loved me. I was immediately born back to a mother in the village who ignored me because she and multiple others were picking my grave clean. I told them to start a fire. I had wanted to dye another kid's shirt as a favor but age had caught up. They never did start that fire, in the five seconds I saw of the village before I starved at least.

If any of you are reading this, I hope you're proud of yourself. Except for the little boy with blond curls who was actually interested in learning how to dye. If you are wearing my red shirt or red booties, or a blue hat I hope you know how you got them.

P.S. I didn't spend my life dyeing clothes. Most of the time I brought back soil and seed. Once I recovered a horse.

I'm cackling. xD No one told you they love you? D: I promise to tell my kids I love them from now on. And yes, like I said, as long as you make it a point to help with boring stuff, doing fun stuff like dying is fine!

We already need like a hippie/ghandi-esque revolution and we're just in prehistory. /:

#6 Re: Main Forum » She really wanted my backpack... » 2018-05-02 00:05:14

No child, not the pies! D:

mulgara wrote:

Jokes on her, the backpack is gonna be useless soon anyway.

On a related note, sometimes I'll just be walking through town and my backpack turns to shit and suddenly pies everywhere. And then I'm just on the floor trying to pick up all the pies and I don't know what to do with them. Kinda like this: … 18/a24.gif

#7 Re: Main Forum » She really wanted my backpack... » 2018-05-02 00:03:55

Pein, you make some good points and you are right that they need to deserve the gear. BUT NO ONE IN MY VILLAGE WAS CARING ABOUT THE LONGEVITY OF OUR VILLAGE. Also, I would argue that since children have smaller stomachs, they need the backpack more to carry food and be useful but yes they need to earn it. Regrettably, I gave the adults PLENTY of opportunity to earn it so a random kid was a better choice than any of them. People need to respect who they give their gear to as well. If you're an adult, you can probably make it to the Savannah to collect furs to make your own.

YAGH said it best. Poor "lil babeh can't defend it's backpack.." I mean, yeah they could have dropped out of their hands but to be honest, they probably didn't expect that the girl's intentions were to starve them for something so petty....

#8 Main Forum » She really wanted my backpack... » 2018-05-01 19:30:43

Replies: 12

I was the matriarch of a town and I tell all the children that they should farm until they're older and when they have a replacement they can do the fun stuff. No one likes to farm, everyone wants to blacksmith, but it must get done. Usually this works well. Children do their time farming and then they earn the right to do other things. My heart is warmed when I see a mother holding her baby by the farm, telling him or her the rules.

TODAY, however, none of the children listened to me. So I told them, whoever I see doing their time farming will inherit my backpack and shirt. Still no help. So I'm an elder now. As a last ditch effort, I tell a baby I find by the campfire that if they promise to make sure the farm doesn't die out, they can have my things. They agree and one of my daughters runs to me saying she wants the backpack. I tell her no, she did not help at all at the farm. I suit up this cute little baby with my things and THIS HORRIBLE DAUGHTER GRABS THE BABY, RUNS AWAY (I can't chase at this point, my stomach is too small and my backpack was given to the baby), SHE COME BACK WITH NO BABY BUT SHE NOW HAS A NEW BACKPACK AND SHIRT. Oh dear lord these children.

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