One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-16 21:09:23

Verinon1 wrote:

The problem with any sort of non lethal weapon used to knock out griefers (ie a club) is that griefers themselves would use it all the time. Thus we have a whole new problem.

What if these non-lethal weapons could only be used against killers right after a murder (while they are slow down) and required at least two players clubbing to effectively kill? It'd fit with the other anti-grief measures like destroying adobe walls.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 22:55:06

Other suggestions regarding player killing:

Fresh graves could be recognizable by name (not that important now that there's death-staggering). It'd be akin of recognizing a cadaver. Could help when the killer tries to BS their way out of it.

Murdering kills you inside. Murderers' faces turn expressionless with subsequent killings.

The more a player murders, the lower their slowdown time lasts (the slowdown being interpreted as the shock of killing another person). Only murdered people that are able to grab weapons count towards reducing the slowdown time. Maybe increase the initial slowdown time a bit.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 22:38:18

The problem with murderers might be the general apathy towards them. When a murder occurs, players who see it usually stand by unable to do anything. They don't have a weapon nor do they know how to craft one. They carry on and just hope they won't be the next one to get killed.
When pushed, meek folk can turn into a furious mob, though. If angry enough, anything within reach could become a weapon and things like smithing hammers, hatchets, axes and shafts would be grabbed to make justice.

This is how it could work:
A murder is comited.
The usual slowdown and staggering victim happens.
Select items can be used to retaliate.
The offending player can be briefly stun if hit by these weaponized tools (with a cooldown before being able to hit again with them).
The murderer gets killed if enough players (3 or 4?) manage to stun-lock them.
The murderer can get away if their slowdown time runs out.

This would also give peaceful folk a chance to defend themselves against raiders and an oppressive police (they'll probably all die, though).

Ideally town-guards would take care of murderers. The thing is it's much easier to craft a single weapon and use it than get people organized enough to defend a town.

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