One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Brazilian community » 2018-04-18 18:49:33

Replies: 0

I'm sure there are other brazilian besides me, if you are, i want to propose a code to identify ourselves.

what about B for brazilian?

Eu tenho certeza que existem outros brasileiros além de mim.                                                                                                   
Por termos que comunicar-nos apenas em ingles talvez nao nos reconhecermos, que tal usarmos o B para nos identificarmos? br lembra BRB que e uma abreviação de Be right Back e isso pode confundir os players não lusófonos.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Karltown tales » 2018-04-18 18:37:46

i don't know how to see what server we are

#4 Re: Main Forum » Karltown tales » 2018-04-15 22:58:03

Someone stole all the carrots in the food holding, i was out to take some adobes to finish karltown`s cemitery when i came back everyone was saying we are dead instead go look for food, i took a cart to take  wild food but i died on journey i never saw karltown again.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Karltown tales » 2018-04-15 03:02:10

sorry for my english im brazilian

I was the young mom of Karl II (or III) and gaia, sadly karl III was murdered just after he was crowned kora killed him with an arrow, so gaia was crowned, gaia ran for her life and i took a knife to kill the muder, i couldn`t do that. she killed me in front of everyone my lasts word were  “take this knife and end with that slaughter“, after that i really don`t know what happend to gaia, before karl my family was responsable to build the walls of the city, almost all walls you saw were made by my family.

in my childhood my mom didn`t feed me but my aunt did. i was planning to kill my mom because of it. luckly i find a knife in the woods so i waited my teeneger years to do start my plan, i was about to take the knife when karl appeared and took it from me he changed this life, i felt his humbleness and this really touched me right before that i started to work and live my life for the growing city, karltown so everything happend.

#7 Main Forum » Karltown tales » 2018-04-15 01:19:24

Replies: 17

for the players who lived in karltown, leave your history here. god save the king of the kings, karl!

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