One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Milkweed farming » 2018-03-01 19:52:48

Vescator wrote:

It will cost 10 minutes to grow a rabbit back.

I'm not sure you interpreted that correctly. The 600 seconds is to go from Single Rabbit to Rabbit Family. Growing back a rabbit apparently takes 60 minutes (an epoch), which I don't think you can verify from the recipe list.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Carrot Farm vs. Berry Orchard » 2018-03-01 19:30:45

brianj wrote:

Water is refilled by groundwater-- so long as you don't drain the pond dry, in which case it never refills.

What is the logic behind this? I understand wanting to punish players for being greedy but does it have any real life counterpart? I'm pretty sure empty ponds refill.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Carrot Farm vs. Berry Orchard » 2018-03-01 19:17:11

Do you have reasoning behind berry orchards not supporting large families? Berries regrow over time, do they not?

One water to yield something like six carrots vs one water to make a bush. How is the bush worse? I'm not arguing for the bush but I'm genuinely curious.

I'm not sure farming can ever make sense given how water currently works. Running completely out of water feels so awkward. Does this planet not have rain, aquifers, and groundwater?

Humans lived near water sources to enable farming and further society. It would be nice if we had some sort of large lake or river to pull water from.

Maybe it would make the game too easy. I know Jason wants it to remain a struggle. Wells may help the situation but I'm not sure how they would work given the constraints of the item system. Even if wells ran out of water, what would stop a village from making many wells unrealistically placed side by side to further their farming?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Had fun making pies » 2018-03-01 18:58:15

jcwilk wrote:

Do goose ponds eventually replenish themselves?

I was told by someone today that yes they do, IF you don't empty them completely. Though I admit this doesn't make the most sense... a pond is likely getting filled by either rain or runoff which shouldn't be affected by water being present.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Milkweed farming » 2018-03-01 18:49:18

Can anyone confirm that rabbits do eventually repopulate a hole if you wait until it is a "rabbit family"? I experimented with this but AFAIK the holes remained empty. Does it take more than one hour for them to return?

#7 Main Forum » Dealing with garbage and object stacking » 2018-03-01 18:41:38

Replies: 4

How are you all dealing with refuse from general activity?

Wooden things can usually be chopped for kindling.

Rabbit bones I find are particularly annoying because each eaten rabbit creates 2 tiles of refuse. Is there any way to get rid of these?

I wish we could create a sort of 'refuse pile' to throw garbage into. Barring that, maybe allowing more things to be burnt in a fire.

Perhaps a shovel to bury anything bone related?

It just isn't fun to be in a large settlement and have every square full of trash. Yes, you can use a basket and carry it all to the outskirts, but that isn't solving the problem.

I feel like the true problem here is the inability to stack items. Rabbit fur shows this potential, but as I understand it limitations of the engine make this cumbersome for every object. Something like rabbit bones would ideally stack (8 maybe?) which would help clean up settlements considerably. Branch becomes pile of X branches. Carrots become pile of X carrots. Etc

Most objects should be able to stack 4-8 times, IMO.

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