One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » End of the apocalypse, and lag fixes today » 2018-04-08 04:58:26

I'm horribly tired, barely awake and about to go to sleep, so hopefully my grammar isn't too atrocious here but it very well may end up being so big_smile

>>"And this game should always be about struggling to survive, at some level.  It should always be possible to fail, both at the individual and village level.  But villages were everywhere.  You could always wander into a deserted one and pick right back up.  Failure meant nothing."

The game was supposed to be about working together to build up a society and world that stayed there.  It was hard to survive, but what you made was left over to make it so future generations could continue from where you left off.  It seems that some of that idea is falling out of favor now.  Rather than a wipe, dying out, making people constantly have to re-start, why not make it so there are other struggles that make it more difficult for cities to survive once they are built up?  Maybe the cities attract dangerous wildlife, maybe disasters start to strike more populated areas but are recoverable and workable to get through.  Maybe everything in the world ends up getting a natural decay level so there isn't always a big stockpile of so much stuff in some places, with things lasting longer depending on what they were made of.

>>"Building a village from scratch is the interesting part, and making a contribution that really matters is the most meaningful way to leave a legacy."

Except if the villages are just wiped away in the way that's being done now, you haven't made a contribution that matters.  You have no legacy.  You have nothing saved at all.

>>"Griefers are a symptom, not a cause.  If you are struggling to survive, you have no time for griefing."

This here shows me that he really doesn't understand griefing at all, and if it's not understood, it can't be lessened.  Making it even more hard to struggle to live isn't going to stop griefing, and in fact a number of the changes being made are going to make griefing all the easier.  Griefers don't care about long term survival, they only care about living long enough to screw everybody else over, then they can die and be reborn to do it all over again.  The only way to make survival so difficult that you have no time for griefing would be to make survival so difficult that you had no time to do *anything* at all other than survive.

>>"Your chance to continue living and working in a given village will end when the lineage in that village dies out.  No more wandering back later and starting over in the same spot with everything already done/built for you.  Each new line will start in the wilderness."

Wow, griefers are really going to have a field day of fun with that.  Not only will they get to screw over people hard, but they'll be able to wipe out entire lines now and everything they've done so much easier.

As mentioned earlier I think adding item decay to everything would really be a better way to go.  You could have repair levels and let things be patched up and used for long term, but the overall highest durability would go down over time so eventually it would have to be totally replaced.

>>"So, think for a minute before you jump on the review button and call me LAZY in all caps, please."

I wouldn't call you lazy in all caps in a review, but I might write here on these forums that some of these changes definitely feel lazy.  There should be other things to make the survival challenge difficult when cities are built up rather than destroying everything and making everybody start the same things over again.  You just want to make the current situation more difficult and add more failure so people will be stuck doing the same stuff again and again, which is definitely an unindustrious way to deal with the situation no matter how long you're working each day.

There are two things I'd like to see, more content and less griefing.  By what you've written to us in the newsletter I can see you don't really have a grip on understanding griefers and griefing overall, so I don't know what to hope for there at this point.  Re-doing the early content over and over again isn't fun for me, that isn't progressing, that isn't doing anything that matters.  It means you're building it for a different type of gamer than me, you're building it for the Flappy Bird type of gamer that wants to do the same bits of content over and over at super high difficulty levels.  You're feeling that ultra over the top challenge is what people want and what makes it fun and thinking that people aren't playing because they're not being challenged enough anymore, which to me makes me think you don't really understand what most of these players were looking for.

Maybe when you see these changes do not end up causing a big rush of people to return you'll understand a bit more.

The wiping was fine, the game will probably need to wipe multiple more times as changes come, and that's not what this is about.  It's that thinking that's some kind of a solve and making sort of a built in village wipe as well that's all too easy to happen especially if griefers decide they want to make sure it happens.

I think I need to go away and give the game time to mature, and I will return one day in the future to see if it became something I can enjoy or not.

#2 Re: Main Forum » How can i make my own server? » 2018-04-08 04:02:12

Can you avoid things like the Apocalypse and keep things going how you want though and not have to deal with the wipe whims?  I thought other servers could be ran your way and not have to have anything to do with stuff on the main server?

#3 Main Forum » New player starting woes » 2018-04-04 16:56:26

Replies: 20

I bought the game as soon as I saw it, being very interested in it, and yet I've barely played and regretted buying it even (I don't want a refund or anything, but I do still hate having that feeling of regret).

I get that people can set up different servers, but the hunger rate on the official servers just seems *insane* to me.  I guess probably some people like the challenge of it though...  I mean to me it's just...too much.  You're just so hungry so often and that seems to make it especially easy for griefers to come mess with people as well when they mess with the food.

Not that any of you don't know this, but that hunger rate combined with being a new player is rough.  My first Eve Mothers just ran off and left me to die on my own.  Another tried to feed me to a bear.  The few that did keep me alive were too busy and frustrated to take time to teach me anything.  When I finally was spawning in bigger built up areas, they were like "ugh another mouth to feed, don't be a burden" and just left me clueless and alone again.

I joined the game because I love community games, games where I can help out a community of players in some way.  Yet right now I really do feel like a burden because the others around me mostly make me feel that way when I've tried to learn the game, as if they don't have time and can't bother with that and that I'm being a pain for asking.  I don't know anything, and the people around me have seemed to be too much in a rush to help me learn so far.

I get that I've probably had weird luck with those I've been born to, and that a lot of people would love to help out, I just haven't been born to or around them.

And yet while I keep my hopes up of being born to the right place, I still see that there's like constant griefing and murdering going on everywhere.  This isn't really feeling like the fun community game I thought it might be.  *Maybe* if I practice on another server first with a different rule set I might end up being okay on the main, I don't know.  But even when I try to go see info about these other servers they've all been getting stories about griefers and murderers coming onto theirs as well and I just don't want to go deal with that stuff.  It's not fun for me to try to deal with the griefers and murderers.  The core game seems difficult enough to start without dealing with them.

I don't know what to do about it.  I guess I'll probably just wait and see what becomes of the game in the future, though I hate to see that I'm missing so much of this early interesting build up as well.  I guess since people can set up their own servers, I can go through all the early building sometime down the road on a new different server though.

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