One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Why murdering? » 2018-03-31 19:34:43

I think I "like" murder being present since it makes any non-violent group effort all the more meaningful. Without murder, you have people getting together because it's the most efficient way to ensure survival. With murder, there's also an element of choice - you're not necessarily a great person for choosing to play peacefully, but at the very least you know everybody toiling and tilling the ground next to you is along for the ride.

When it comes to game mechanics, I think it could both reduce blatant griefing and add some interest if you took two hits to die, either by knife or arrow. You'd have a chance to run for help or warn others, and if you're injured you'd have to be tended or die after a while. You'd be unable to inflict as much damage by yourself on such a short period of time, so single-person murder machines would phase out eventually.

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