One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Karma System Suggestion » 2018-04-02 03:01:12

Replies: 0

I'm pretty sure that a lot of people playing this game is sick of griefers and murderers. I get that the game is supposed to reflect real life and we have murderers, crazy people, and thieves etc. This is not a suggestion to outright ban everything, but a system that puts a deterrent to all those people for doing what they do and encouraging good behavior.

I believe some sort of system like karma could benefit this game a lot.
Here is a system I have been thinking about:
Every account starts with 0 karma
Upon death, you get to give +1 or -1 karma to 0 to 3 people you have personally encountered in your lifetime
Every 10 minutes, your karma gets closer 0. (So if your karma is 5 and 50 minutes pass with you not getting any karma changes you are at 0 karma again)
If your karma gets below -10, you are not able to reborn as a baby until your karma is 0 again.
If your karma gets above 10, you have increased chances of spawning in a larger civilization or closer to the place you die.

If you are a murderer, for instance, you will possibly get -1 karma from everyone you kill, or if you steal carts or arrows from a town, you will get -1 karma from the people that notice you. Thus, when you die, you probably won't be allowed to play the game for a while.
If you are a productive member of the society, you will be rewarded and possibly continue your efforts within the same society.

Keep in mind that numbers and time intervals etc can change, that is not my point. But this sort of system will still allow griefing but might greatly reduce the frequency of them. A player that solely enjoys griefing would still be able to do that but maybe do that once a day as opposed to sitting at their laptop griefing every single city they spawn in.

Any thoughts?

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